Depew Fire Department Secures Game-Changing Grant to Modernize Radio System

The Depew Fire Department, comprised entirely of volunteers, is set to undergo a transformative upgrade to its radio system, thanks to a substantial $277,000 grant from FEMA. The grant, the second-largest in the department’s history, brings much-needed relief to a team currently reliant on radios dating back to 2003.

Recognizing the urgency of modernization, the fire department established a committee two years ago to explore options for overhauling their outdated communication infrastructure. Last week, their efforts were rewarded with news of the substantial FEMA grant, paving the way for enhanced safety and efficiency in their operations.

The antiquated radios currently in use have posed significant challenges. First Assistant Chief Brian Musielak of the Depew Fire Department noted that the radios are not only obsolete but also irreplaceable due to the unavailability of parts. With two decades of service, these radios have hindered communication and compromised safety.

Musielak explained that the outdated equipment limits the department to a single channel for recording and communication, preventing them from monitoring or interacting on other critical channels. This deficiency, especially in situations requiring simultaneous dispatch and fireground communications, has potentially endangered lives.

The dire need for upgraded technology is illuminated by the occurrence of dead spots, where communication within buildings becomes unreliable. The inability to transmit vital information from within these structures to commanders outside increases risks for firefighters. The grant promises a technological revolution, resolving these issues and bolstering the effectiveness of communication. Importantly, the upgraded system will enable immediate response to mayday calls, a vital safety feature for personnel in distress.

Former Depew Fire Chief Donald Wegst emphasized the significance of the grant in transforming the department’s capabilities. Recognizing the budgetary constraints faced by the village, Wegst underscored the value of grant applications in securing vital upgrades that would otherwise be financially unfeasible.

The grant award comes as a resounding victory for the department, positioning them to acquire state-of-the-art radios that will propel their operations into the future. With the new system in place, they anticipate enhanced safety, improved coordination, and a significant leap forward in terms of capabilities. The new radios are expected to be fully integrated within the next two years, a milestone eagerly awaited by the Depew Fire Department as they embrace this technological stride towards greater efficiency and security.

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