Former Austrian Foreign Minister Relocates to St. Petersburg to Head Russian Think Tank

Former Austrian Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl, known for her close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin, is making a significant move to lead a think tank in Putin’s hometown of St. Petersburg. This move comes as she seeks to contribute to a center she co-founded, aiming to provide objective analysis and solutions for Russia’s policy objectives. Kneissl’s association with Putin has sparked controversy, including his attendance at her wedding in 2018 and her recent holiday in Russia amid the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

Heading to St. Petersburg

Karin Kneissl, the former Austrian Foreign Minister who gained notoriety for dancing with Russian President Vladimir Putin at her wedding, has announced her relocation to St. Petersburg. She will assume the leadership of a think tank, the GORKI center, which she co-founded in March 2023. The center’s primary mission is to generate objective analysis and solutions to address Russia’s policy goals.

The GORKI Center’s Objectives

The GORKI center, affiliated with St. Petersburg State University, where Putin studied law in the 1970s, was established to provide a platform for comprehensive analysis and policy research. Its primary aim is to assist Russia in achieving its policy objectives through informed and objective insights.

Kneissl’s Controversial Connections

Karin Kneissl’s proximity to Vladimir Putin has frequently stirred controversy. In 2018, Putin attended her wedding in the Austrian Alps, raising questions about the nature of their relationship. Furthermore, her recent holiday in Russia, occurring in August amid the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, has drawn criticism and scrutiny.

Critique of Austria’s Stance

Speaking at the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, Kneissl criticized Austria’s approach towards Russia, likening it to “schizophrenia.” She highlighted the tendency of Austrian politics and public opinion to consistently condemn Russia. Moreover, Kneissl pointed out that individuals with business ties to Russia are often labeled as “earning bloody money.”

EU Commission’s Envoy’s Controversial Remark

Kneissl’s comments come in the wake of a controversial statement made by the EU Commission’s envoy to Austria, Martin Selmayr, who accused Austria of paying “blood money” to Moscow through its import of Russian gas. This remark led to Austria’s Foreign Minister, Alexander Schallenberg, summoning Selmayr to address the issue, resulting in efforts to de-escalate the situation.

Austria’s Complex Relationship with Russia

Austria has historical and commercial ties with Russia. While the country has supported EU sanctions against Russia and criticized Putin’s violation of international law, it continues to maintain commercial relationships with Moscow. Notably, Austria remains one of the few EU nations that still imports Russian gas, highlighting the intricate dynamics of its relationship with Russia.

Karin Kneissl’s move to lead the GORKI center underscores her ongoing involvement in Russia-related affairs, raising questions about her role and the center’s objectives in the context of international politics.

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FAQs about Former Austrian Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl’s Move to Russia

1. Who is Karin Kneissl, and why is she in the news?

  • Karin Kneissl is a former Austrian Foreign Minister known for dancing with Vladimir Putin at her wedding. She is in the news because she has decided to move to Russia.

2. Why is Karin Kneissl moving to Russia?

  • Karin Kneissl is moving to Russia to lead a think tank she co-founded called the GORKI center, which focuses on providing objective analysis to address Russia’s policy objectives.

3. What is the purpose of the GORKI center?

  • The GORKI center, established in March 2023, aims to provide objective analysis and solutions for Russia’s policy objectives.

4. Where is the GORKI center located?

  • The GORKI center is located in St. Petersburg, which is also the hometown of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

5. When did Karin Kneissl serve as Austria’s foreign minister?

  • Karin Kneissl served as Austria’s foreign minister from 2017 to 2019.

6. Why has Karin Kneissl faced criticism in the past?

  • Karin Kneissl has faced criticism for her close links to Russian President Vladimir Putin, including his attendance at her wedding in 2018 and her recent holiday in Russia amid the conflict in Ukraine.

7. What did Karin Kneissl say about Austria’s behavior toward Russia?

  • Karin Kneissl criticized Austria’s behavior toward Russia, comparing it to “schizophrenia” and suggesting that Austrian politics and public opinion often condemn Russia.

8. What recent controversy involving Austria and Russia is mentioned in the article?

  • The article mentions a controversy where the EU Commission’s envoy to Austria, Martin Selmayr, criticized Austria’s import of Russian gas, accusing Vienna of paying “blood money” to Moscow. This led to a diplomatic row between Austria and the EU Commission.

9. Does Austria have historic ties to Russia?

  • Yes, Austria has historic ties to Russia. While it has endorsed EU sanctions and criticized Putin’s actions, Austria has maintained commercial ties with Russia and continues to import Russian gas.

10. Is the GORKI center affiliated with a university?

  • Yes, the GORKI center is affiliated with the St. Petersburg State University, where Vladimir Putin studied law in the 1970s.

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