Kim Jong Un’s Secret Deal with Russia Revealed: Hypersonic Missiles and Nuclear Submarines!

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un conducted a visit to Russia’s Far East, where he inspected various military assets, sparking concerns in the West about potential military cooperation between North Korea and Russia. During his trip, Kim examined Russia’s nuclear-capable bombers, hypersonic missiles, and a state-of-the-art warship. These activities come in the context of escalating tensions in Ukraine and concerns that North Korea might provide munitions to Russia in exchange for advanced military technologies.

Upon his arrival in the city of Artyom, Kim was given a close-up look at Russia’s strategic bombers, including the Tu-160, Tu-95, and Tu-22, all of which have been actively used in the conflict in Ukraine. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and other military officials highlighted the capabilities of these bombers, with the Tu-160 recently receiving new cruise missiles boasting a range of over 4,040 miles.

Additionally, Kim was shown Russia’s hypersonic Kinzhal missile, deployed during the Ukraine conflict and carried by the MiG-31 fighter jet. The North Korean leader also inspected the Admiral Shaposhnikov frigate, which is equipped with long-range Kalibr cruise missiles used in actions against Ukraine.

Experts suggest that Kim’s visits to military and technology sites may indicate a desire to acquire advanced Russian military technologies to enhance North Korea’s own military capabilities. This could potentially include improvements to their naval assets and air force.

Kim’s trip to Russia follows discussions with President Vladimir Putin and aligns with North Korea’s efforts to strengthen partnerships with Russia and China, potentially breaking out of international isolation and forming a united front against the United States.

FAQs related to Hypersonic Missiles and Nuclear Submarines deal

Why did Kim Jong Un visit Russia’s Far East?

Kim’s visit to Russia aimed to inspect various military assets and potentially explore military cooperation between North Korea and Russia.

What military assets did Kim inspect during his visit?

Kim examined Russia’s nuclear-capable bombers, hypersonic missiles, and an advanced warship.

Why are Western countries concerned about Kim’s visit to Russia?

Western concerns stem from the possibility that North Korea may provide munitions to Russia in exchange for advanced military technologies, which could have implications for the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

What is the significance of the Tu-160 bomber receiving new cruise missiles?

The Tu-160 bomber’s new cruise missiles have an extended range of over 4,040 miles, enhancing its capabilities in long-range engagements.

How does the visit fit into North Korea’s broader goals?

Kim’s visit to Russia is part of North Korea’s strategy to strengthen its partnerships with Russia and China, seeking to break out of international isolation and potentially form a united front against the United States.

What was discussed during Kim Jong Un’s meeting with President Vladimir Putin?

Details of the discussions between Kim and Putin have not been disclosed publicly.

What are the concerns surrounding North Korea’s provision of munitions to Russia?

There are concerns that North Korean weapons supplied to Russia, possibly including copies of Soviet-era munitions, may have been used in the conflict in Ukraine.

What is the significance of Kim Jong Un’s focus on naval strength?

Kim’s emphasis on naval strength may indicate his ambition to acquire advanced naval technologies and potentially initiate joint naval exercises between Russia and North Korea.

Has there been any formal agreement on military cooperation between North Korea and Russia?

There is no public announcement of any formal agreements on military cooperation between the two nations.

Is Kim Jong Un planning to meet with other world leaders as part of his diplomatic efforts?

There is speculation that Kim may seek a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping as part of his efforts to strengthen international partnerships.

Also Read: Defense Minister Li Shangfu under investigation and Mystery of Defense Minister’s Disappearance!

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