Enhancing Bilateral Ties: PM Modi and Iranian President Discuss Chabahar Port’s Potential

In a stride towards bolstering their diplomatic relations, Prime Minister Narendra Modi engaged in a significant conversation with Iranian President Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi. Their discussion focused on unleashing the full potential of the Chabahar port as a pivotal connectivity hub.

Strengthening Bilateral and Regional Cooperation

During their talks, both leaders expressed a strong commitment to fortify bilateral ties and explore avenues for regional collaboration. The Chabahar port emerged as a central topic, underscoring its role in fostering connectivity and trade between the two nations.

Shared Vision for Chabahar Port

Prime Minister Modi expressed his satisfaction in speaking with President Raisi, highlighting their shared vision for the Chabahar port’s advancement. This vibrant maritime gateway is poised to play a pivotal role in propelling trade and connectivity, promising mutual benefits for both India and Iran.

Anticipating a Meeting on the Sidelines of BRICS Summit

The conversation between the two leaders also laid the groundwork for an upcoming meeting on the sidelines of the BRICS Summit, scheduled to take place in South Africa from August 22-24. The anticipation of this meeting underlines the significance of their discussions and the shared goals for enhanced collaboration.

Historic and Civilizational Bonds

The roots of the Iran-India relationship run deep in history and civilization. Prime Minister Modi reiterated the cultural and historical connections that bind the two nations, emphasizing the importance of people-to-people interactions in fostering enduring ties.

Chabahar Port’s Role in Regional Dynamics

During the SCO Summit, Prime Minister Modi underscored the potential for maximizing the utilization of the Chabahar Port following Iran’s membership in the organization. This move aligns with the aim of bolstering connectivity in the region, facilitating secure trade routes, and nurturing trust among member states.

Connectivity for Progress

The International North-South Transport Corridor was highlighted as a key element in promoting secure and efficient access to the Indian Ocean for landlocked Central Asian countries. The necessity of robust connectivity was emphasized as a crucial factor for regional progress, underscored by adherence to the principles of the SCO charter.

Past Engagements and Future Endeavors

The recent conversation between PM Modi and President Raisi builds upon a history of engagements, including their meeting on the sidelines of the SCO Summit in Samarkand. The enduring friendship between India and Iran stands poised to embrace new heights of collaboration, promising mutual growth and prosperity.

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