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North Korea Launches New Submarine Amid Doubts Over Its Capabilities- Hero Kim Kun Ok

North Korea Launches New Submarine Amid Doubts Over Its Capabilities- Hero Kim Kun Ok

North Korea has announced the launch of a new “Korean-style” tactical nuclear attack submarine, but doubts have been cast on the claims regarding its capabilities. The submarine, named “Hero Kim Kun Ok,” was unveiled in a ceremony attended by North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, with state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reporting that it is equipped with numerous nuclear delivery systems and capable of preemptive and retaliatory strikes against hostile nations.

However, South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staffs (JCS) expressed skepticism, stating that the submarine does not appear capable of normal operation and that North Korea may be exaggerating its capabilities.

This announcement follows North Korea’s recent claim to have simulated a nuclear missile attack to warn the United States of a “nuclear war danger.” US experts have also raised doubts about the submarine’s potency and North Korea’s ability to build multiple such vessels.

The “Nuclear” Aspects of the Submarine

While US analysts believe the submarine is conventionally powered, it may have the capacity to launch ballistic missiles tipped with nuclear warheads. Submarine expert H I Sutton noted that the vessel seems to be based on old Soviet-designed Romeo-class submarines, of which North Korea already has 20 in its fleet.

The new submarine appears to have ten missile launch tubes, possibly indicating nuclear capability. North Korea has conducted nine test-firings of submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) since 2015, with the latest test occurring in 2022.

However, it remains uncertain whether the new submarine can indeed launch SLBMs. Some analysts believe it could take up to two years for the submarine to become fully operational, with extensive testing and sea trials required.

Effectiveness of Submarine-Launched Missiles

There are doubts about the effectiveness of Pyongyang’s submarine-launched missiles, with some experts suggesting that land-based missiles remain the mainstay of North Korea’s nuclear and missile forces due to their cost-effectiveness and survivability. While North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has expressed the desire to produce nuclear-powered vessels in the future, the submarine launched this week is believed to be conventionally powered.

Sending a Deterrent Message

Despite doubts about its capabilities, the launch of this submarine allows Kim Jong Un to send a deterrent message to adversaries like the US and Japan. It signals progress in North Korea’s nuclear program and its potential to conduct strikes from multiple directions, according to experts.

The launch of the submarine and North Korea’s recent actions coincide with preparations for the 75th anniversary of the country’s founding on September 9. There are also indications that North Korea is concerned about increased cooperation between the United States and South Korea, including joint military exercises and pledges to enhance military cooperation following a summit meeting in Seoul. North Korea has conducted a significant number of missile tests this year, raising regional tensions.

FAQs related to new North Korean submarine

What is the name of the new North Korean submarine, and when was it launched?

Who attended the launch ceremony of the new submarine?

What claims were made by North Korea regarding the capabilities of the new submarine?

How did South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staffs (JCS) respond to North Korea’s claims about the new submarine?

What did US experts doubt about the new North Korean submarine?

What type of missiles is the new North Korean submarine believed to be capable of launching?

How many times has North Korea test-fired submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) since 2015?

According to experts, how long will it take for the newly launched submarine to become fully operational?

What does Vann Van Diepen, a former US government official, say about the significance of ballistic missile submarines in North Korea’s forces?

What message did Kim Jong Un aim to convey with the submarine launch?

Which countries operate nuclear-powered submarines?

What significant events are happening around the time of the submarine launch?

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