Summit Metro Parks’ Epic Transformation Stunned the World – CNN Reveals All

Summit Metro Parks’ commendable efforts to rejuvenate the natural landscape of the Valley View Area within Cascade Valley Metro Park will be showcased on CNN International’s impactful environmental series, “Call to Earth.”

Scheduled for broadcast on Thursday, August 17, the episode will shine a spotlight on Summit Metro Parks‘ remarkable achievements in returning a former golf course back to its original ecological state. This initiative not only contributes to environmental restoration but also fosters a vital connection between the local community and their natural surroundings, as affirmed by Summit Metro Parks in an official statement.

The current season of “Call to Earth” places a strong emphasis on sustainable land management and environmental education within urban settings, a theme that aligns perfectly with Summit Metro Parks’ endeavors.

Summit Metro Parks Executive Director Lisa King and Chief of Conservation Mike Johnson play central roles in the featured episode. They provide insights into the innovative techniques employed during the restoration process of the Valley View Area.

Lisa King expressed her pride in the recognition, emphasizing the organization’s unwavering dedication to conservation, education, and the promotion of nature-centric values. She noted the global platform provided by CNN International as an opportunity to amplify their mission of nurturing environmental stewardship and cultivating a genuine passion for nature.

The episode also delves into the historical significance of the Valley View Area, its ecological relevance, and Summit Metro Parks’ collaborations with partners and the local community.

In the pursuit of restoration, Metro Parks biologists undertook extensive work, removing 6-8 feet of materials across six acres to recreate over 60 acres of essential floodplain. Mike Johnson explained that these floodplains play a critical role in safeguarding fish populations during periods of heavy rainfall and high river levels, effectively reducing the risk of flooding in other regions.

The restoration efforts also prioritized fish habitat recovery. Through strategic installation of boulder clusters, fish-friendly environments were established in the river, providing areas of refuge amidst the flowing currents. This resulted in a substantial increase in fish populations across various sites and a notable expansion in the diversity of fish species present.

Previously inhabited by only eight distinct fish types, the river now hosts an impressive array of 26 different species, showcasing the positive impact of Summit Metro Parks’ restoration work.

The upcoming “Call to Earth” episode featuring Summit Metro Parks’ transformative work in the Valley View Area is set to air on CNN International during the Quest Means Business program at 3 p.m. on Thursday. For those unable to catch the broadcast, the episode will also be available for online viewing.

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