Why Agnipath Scheme & Rahul Gandhi in news?

Rahul Gandhi will take part in a padayatra in Uttarakhand where the party will highlight how the future of the youth has been “jeopardised” by the Agnipath scheme.

About the Agnipath Scheme

It is a scheme by the Department of Military Affairs, MoD under which rigorous military training will be imparted to the youth (male and female aspirants) aged between 17.5 to 21 years.

Aim of Agnipath Scheme

The scheme aims at improving battle preparedness through transformative evolution with energetic, fitter, diverse, more trainable & resilient youth, suited to the changing dynamics. • The scheme will empower, discipline & skill youth with a military ethos. • The scheme is a pioneering step towards building a strong and prosperous ‘New India’.

Features of Agnipath Scheme

  • Candidates inducted through this scheme will be called Agniveers.
  • The selected candidates will be enrolled as “Agniveers” for a period of four years.
  • On completion of 4 years, 25% of Agniveers shall be enrolled in the Armed Forces as a regular cadre.

Benefits of Agnipath Scheme

  • Individuals enrolled under this Scheme will be paid an Agniveer package of Rs. 30,000/- per month with a fixed yearly increment.
  • The candidates will be provided Risk & Hardship Allowance.
  • Agniveers will be provided non-contributory Life Insurance Cover of Rs 48 lakhs.
  • A non-lapsable dedicated ‘Agniveer Corpus Fund’ will be created in the interest bearing section of the Public Account head.
  • Each Agniveer is to contribute 30% of his monthly income to ‘Agniveer Corpus Fund’.
  • On completion of the engagement period of four years, Agniveers will be eligible to receive ‘Seva Nidhi’ package.

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